An interesting few weeks

ABC Radio: “ANU Professor […] has urged the government to act decisively on West Papua”

Murph: “How many bloody professors have they got at that place?”

Tony: “I’ll tell you where we need a violent crackdown…”

~ “A Time for Talk”, The Hollowmen

I couldn’t help thinking of these lines when I found out recently that I’d been put up to professor (thanks to J.O. for reminding me of the exact quote).

I’m not sure, but it’s possible that this makes me the youngest economics prof in Australia (I’m 36). However, as Joshua Gans has noted, each of us get to be the world’s youngest person, so even if I hold the title at present, it won’t be for long…

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9 Responses to An interesting few weeks

  1. Michael Kortt says:

    Congratulations Andrew!

  2. rocco weglarz says:

    congratulations well done and well deserved!

  3. ChrisPer says:

    Congratulations! Well done!

  4. As the others have said, congratulations. A well-deserved promotion which is also consistent with economic theory, as the ANU would not want to lose you (did your time in Treasury create fear that you may leave permanently?).

  5. Alistair Campbell says:

    Well deserved Andrew!

  6. Patrick says:

    I wanted to congratulate you but wordpress had other ideas 😦


  7. Andrew Carr says:

    Congratulations! A great achievement and very well deserved.

    Crikey, talk about raising the bar for the rest of us young academics…

  8. Ben Heraghty says:

    Well done mate – thoroughly deserved – was it Lateline that got you over the line…?!

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